Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Sample Workout Routine for the Week

Rest is important in your weekly exercise routine. Always allow a minimum of 24 hours rest between working out the same muscle group. This allows the muscles to rebuild themselves and prevent muscular fatigue. Overtraining has several effects of the body including persistant fatique, muscle soreness, increased risk of injury, depression, and decreased muscular strenght. Below is a sample weekly exercise regime that you can follow to ensure you incorporate days of rest into your week.

Day 1: Upper Body
- Chest
- Back
- Shoulders
- Biceps
- Triceps
- Abs
- Lower Back

Day 2: Cardio and Abs

Day 3: Rest

Day 4: Lower Body
- Quads
- Hamstrings
- Glutes
- Lower Back
- Calves
- Abs

Day 5: Cardio and Abs

***This routine was provided by NSPA certified personal trainer Sail Abdullah***

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