Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Health Benefits of Exercise

There are multiple benefits to exercise.  Hopefully at least one of these will motivate you to get started!

Exercise can: 
  • Promote weight loss and weight maintenance by burning calories (especially when combined with a healthy diet)
  • Relieve tension, stress, and anxiety. You will often be in a better mood immediately after exercise!
  • Strengthen the immune system and combat disease, so there is a lower chance of catching a cold or more serious illness, even some types of Cancer
  • Build muscle and strength- which isn't bad for your physique either 
  • Reduce blood pressure and raises levels of "good" cholestrol 
  • Lead to a better sex life-  you will be more energetic and confident with your body, but exercise can also lead to enhanced arousal for women and decrease risk of erectile dysfuntion in men 
  • Give you a better night of sleep (but you are better off exercising earlier for this benefit, exercising too close to bedtime can boost your energy level) 
  • Enourage spending time outdoors and with friends/family 
  • Finally- exercise can increase the length of your life!  So get started A.S.A.P

mayo clinic benefits
American Heart Association benefits

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